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Ottawa and most provincial governments have failed to offer any significant de-regulatory strategy.

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Ontario and Alberta have launched spending sprees and tax grabs that will seriously damage economic freedom.

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America has gone from being the world’s third most economically free country in 2000 to the 16th freest in 2014.

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From 2003/04 to 2015/16, Ontario program spending grew at an average annual rate of 4.7 per cent.

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Government spending has increased in Ontario, and Alberta has dramatically increased the tax burden on residents and businesses.

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It’s just a matter of time before the Eurozone is yet again bombarded by Greek fiscal fire. Every few days or weeks, Greece roots around, looking under the couch cushions for spare change, this to make its next round of debt payments.

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This year’s Economic Freedom of North America 2014 (EFNA) report shows that, once again, while we are the United States, our states have bigger differences than climate, seasons and terrain.