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The Myanmar miracle marches on, but don’t stop holding your breath. Great hazards are emerging ahead.

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In a recent column from a Toronto journalist on communism and capitalism, the writer made an astonishing claim: While “millions have been the tragic victims of communism,” he wrote, “that number pales, surely, in comparison with the victims of capitalism.”

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The pre-Christmas announcement by President Obama that the United States would re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba will reignite a number of debates. One will be about the cause of Cuban poverty over the past 56 years.

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As pro-democracy demonstrations flare across Hong Kong, it continues to rank first in the world in economic freedom. Hong Kong has been at the top since 1970, according to the just-released Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the world index, a collaborative effort of more than 100 research groups in 90 nations and territories. The 2014 report is based on 2012 data, the most recent available.

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It is often the role of the economist to point at the impending doom with which reality confronts our fondest wishes. For that reason Thomas Carlisle referred to economics as the dismal science. It is made the more dismal for the economist when the fondest wishes are held and extolled by ones friends and those whom one admires.